Graduation Ceremony

Grades 5K – 5th – 8th – 12th

GLOW Graduation Ceremony

GLOW Accountability Association hosts a graduation ceremony in the spring for grades 5K, 5th, 8th, 12th. Currently the ceremony is only open to GLOW Accountability members.

2025 Graduation Dates: April 26-27. We are using a small venue off Bees Ferry Road in Charleston this year and will have multiple ceremonies over the weekend to accommodate everyone. Guests are limited to 5 per family. Seniors may have more than 5 guests if space permits.

  • All students will receive a Graduation Certificate. 
  • Seniors who want a Diploma rather than a Certificate at the ceremony need to have a GLOW Final Transcript ($30) submitted at least 2 weeks before the ceremony. (2nd semester courses can be “in-progress”). Seniors who receive a Transcript Diploma at the Graduation Ceremony do not need to order a diploma separately.