The Event Organizer responsibilities:
- At the top of the Event Details, clearly mark the Event Organizer and Event Lead names.
- Refund or do not charge the Event Lead any extra $ that goes to the Event Organizer.
- If the event lead is not signed up yet, or if it is a popular event that will fill fast, the Organizer can manually add the Lead to the registration.
- Download and send the event registration list to the Event Lead before the event.
- Send the money for the group price of the event to the Event Lead if the money is being paid on the day of the event.
- Only Event Organizer admins logged into can manage events other people created. Regular members will not be able to use the Dashboard screen in your event to see the registrations.
The Event Lead responsibilities:
- Arrive a few minutes early.
- Take the list of registered members to the event and check people in.
- Pay for the group. The full amount should be paid to a venue even if people show up late or not at all.
- Communicate with the venue and let the group know where to gather and any other instructions.
- Keep an eye on GLOW member conduct. If a child or adult is being disruptive, gently let the child or parent know.